If your website is currently down and showing a message:
Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.
You will need to arrange an account upgrade for this hosting package to allocate more bandwidth. You can upgrade your hosting package online 24/7 by doing the following:
- Login to your client area.
- Click on "My Services"
- Then click on the "View details" for the package you want to upgrade.
- Scroll down and click on "Upgrade/Downgrade package"
- Select the next package up and select your billing term (Monthly/yearly)
- Click on the "Click to continue button" for that package
- Pay the invoice online and then wait a minute.
Once you have upgraded your account, our billing system will automatically upgrade your account for you and everything should be back online within a few seconds.
Please be aware that exceeding your bandwidth limit is NOT classed as "Downtime" by us because this is something that is preventable by the customer and is simply a case of using more than is allocated, which customers receive plenty of email warnings about in advance.
If you do not upgrade your hosting package then it will remain suspended until the start of the following month when the bandwidth limit is reset.