Authenticated mail sending update

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dear all

Following discussions with cPanel support, and some customers, we will be holding off on changing the email sending to Authenticated sending only, until the Stable version of cPanel v11.32 is released.

It has just been released in the "Edge" version, so when it comes down to the Stable version and they iron out the bugs, we will then re-look at implementing authenticated mail sending.

This will give you all plenty of time to re-configure anything that you need to adjust.

This should allow 1 or 2 months for everybody to make the small changes required.

It should be noted too however, that setting your scripts to send via authenticated SMTP is best practice policy anyway, and should be done as standard, as this will severely reduce the amount of outgoing email you send, ending up in spam folders, and based on the feedback we have received, an awful lot of customers (Designers/developers) are already doing this, and have been with every website the put together, so we would like to say a huge thank you to those who follow best practices :-)

We still do ask that you update any scripts you have to the very latest versions and not leaving old redundant software sitting idle if its not being used anymore.

cPanel v11.32 will also have a new statistics software package too, and other updates which you can find out about here:

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