MySQL v5.7 & MariaDB v10.3
Monday, November 30, 2020
As initially planned back in April 2019, all shared and reseller servers have now been upgraded.
This year we have upgraded all shared servers to MySQL v5.7 with no incidents or broken websites.
We have also upgraded all of our reseller servers to MariaDB v10.3.
If you experience any issues with your websites now that these upgrades have been completed, please do first ensure that your website code is up-to-date and that your database is also updated.
If you are still experiencing problems then please do get in touch with us. Remember you can reach us by telephone 7 days a week 8am to midnight or drop us in a support ticket anytime with details and screenshots.
Dedicated servers are not included in this as our Dedicated Server customers have their own specific requirements and upgrade choices.