Our new affiliate deals

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Over the years many many customers like yourself have recommended us over and over again to many others, something that we have always been grateful for, and never taken for granted, so now we have officially made live our new affiliate deal.

We know its not a huge amount, but if you activate your account affiliate status we will give you a £5 credit, then for every referral, we will give you a £5 credit to your account, enabling us to share the love and give something back for the endless loyalty and recommendations that many customers give us.

To activate your account affiliate, just log-in to our billing http://www.wesh.co.uk/customer.services/clientarea.php and click on "Affiliates" from the billing menu options, then simply click on the "Activate affiliate account" button. Thats all you need to do and you will instantly get your affiliate link right away, on the screen.

You can then use this link as many times as you like, in emails to people or as links on your websites and it has no time restriction on the click through, so as long as the cookie stays on the computer of the person signing up, you will get paid £5 for each signup.

If you have any questions or problems with this then by all means give us a call, or drop us a helpdesk ticket to assist you.

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